Axora-labs is building Axora, a community-owned, decentralized and censorship-resistant reserve currency that is asset-backed, deeply liquid and used widely across Web3.
Protocol Stats
Treasury Balance $221,118,338
Number of holders 120,000+
Protocol-Owned Liquidity $62,489,711
Unique Tokens in Treasury 50+
How to Participate
Stakers play an important role in the Axora-labs ecosystem. Stakers deposit their Axora into the protocol, which contributes to Axora's long-term price stability. In exchange, stakers receive their pro rata share of rebases and governance rights.
Bonding allows you to trade various tokens for Axora at a discounted price. In exchange, bond sales provide additional liquidity and reserve assets to the Axora-labs treasury, contributing to the stability of the protocol. As a result, 99% of all liquidity is owned by Axora-labs.